EKL Master Head

What is executive Knowledge Lines

Executive Lines, the monthly in publication since 2005, caters to the present interdisciplinary era with its writings on the latest developments in Science, Technology, Healthcare, Energy, Environment, Transportation, Education, Management, etc. The contents of EKL ensure an optimal level of exposure to its readers on the development trends in major areas of human activity. Well-researched references quoted along with the contents may encourage the interested readers to go deep into the subjects. Considering today’s fast life style with not enough time for people to read at length for knowledge assimilation, EKL has created a model with ABC as its motto: Authenticity, Brevity and Clarity in knowledge dissemination. Over the past thirteen years, the magazine has published more than 1000 articles, which may serve as qualitative references.

Subscribe Executive Knowledge Lines

In this modern era, knowledge is viewed as wealth, more than anything else. To become part of this knowledge dominating world, appropriate tools for its acquisition have become a necessity. Executive Knowledge Lines’ (EKL), English monthly, addresses this need, in a humble way. EKL is a publishing initiative by professionals with decades of hands-on experience in various areas to showcase emerging trends in technology, best practices in management, tools and gadgets for today’s technology enabled living, life-style related health problems etc. In short, EKL is conceived as a handy, knowledge delivery tool for all segments of society.

In its 13th year of publication, EKL with its publishing model based on the ABC motto: ‘Authenticity, Brevity, and Clarity in Knowledge Dissemination’ is welcomed by elite readers, hard-pressed for time to read lengthy articles. In fact, the editorial team members spend their time scanning world class journals, research publications, seminar/workshop documents, books of repute and of course, the Web to identify global trends in the areas of choice. In other words, EKL does the difficult part of the knowledge scouting job and helps the readers to stay in touch by reading EKL’s knowledge modules spending minimum time.

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Mera 44, Eanthivila Lane, Murinjapalam,
Medical College P.O., Thiruvananthapuram – 695011, Kerala, India

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